
Wesley J. Smith, JD, Anti-Euthanasia Activist, in his Nov. 11, 2003 article, "A 'Painless' Death?," published in The Weekly Standard, argued:

“Many who support Terri Schiavo’s threatened dehydration assert that removing a feeding tube from a profoundly cognitively disabled person results in a painless and gentle ending. But is this really true? After all, it would be agonizing if you or I were locked in a room for two weeks and deprived of all food and water. So, why should we believe that cognitively disabled patients experience the deprivation differently simply because they receive nourishment through a feeding tube instead of by mouth?…

Yes, it is true that when people are actively dying from terminal disease, they often refuse food and water. The disease makes the food and water repulsive to them. In such circumstances, it is medically inappropriate to force food and water into a person who is actively rejecting it. Indeed, doing so could cause suffering.

But this isn’t what is happening to Terri. She isn’t dying of cancer. Her body isn’t shutting down as part of the natural dying process. Indeed, she is not dying at all–unless her food and water is taken away.”

Nov. 11, 2003