
Wesley Smith, JD, Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center on Human Exceptionalism and legal consultant to the Patients Right Council, in an Oct. 13, 2011 Noozhawk article, "Wesley Smith: Assisted Suicide Is the Euthanasia of Hope," stated:

“If we legalize assisted suicide, some patients will die instead of ultimately regaining their joy in living.

For some reason, this message doesn’t resonate as vividly as the siren song of doctor-prescribed death. But know this: If we are seduced into legalizing assisted suicide, we will cheat at least some people out of the universe’s most precious and irreplaceable commodity: Time.

Assisted suicide isn’t ‘choice;’ it is the end of all choices. Doctor prescribed death is not ‘death with dignity;’ it is really the euthanasia of hope.”

Oct. 13, 2011